Flower Essences

Property categories: Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name Price+
FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pomegranate 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pomegranate 7.5ml

Punica granatum (red). Positive qualities: Joyful expression of feminine creativity, actively productive and nurturing at home or in the world. Patterns of imbalance: Ambivalent or confused about the focus of creativity, especially between values of career and home, creative and procreative, personal and global.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pretty Face 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Pretty Face 7.5ml

Triteleia ixioides (yellow, brown stripes). Positive qualities: Radiant inner beauty; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance despite handicaps or blemishes. Patterns of imbalance: Feeling ugly or rejected because of personal appearance; over-identified with physical appearance.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Purple Monkeyflower 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Purple Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Mimulus kelloggii (purple). Positive qualities: Love-based rather than fear-based spirituality, calm and clarity when experiencing spiritual phenomena; the courage to trust in one's own spiritual experience or guidance. Patterns of imbalance: Fear of retribution or censure if one departs from religious conventions of family or community; apprehension or avoidance of threshold experiences due to...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quaking Grass 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quaking Grass 7.5ml

Briza maxima (green). Positive qualities: Harmonious community consciousness, flexible and receptive in group work. Patterns of imbalance: Dysfunctional in group settings, inability to compromise, over-attachment to personal will and desire in social situations.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Queen Anne's Lace 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Queen Anne's Lace 7.5ml

 Daucus carota (white). Positive qualities: Spiritual insight and vision; integration of psychic faculties with sexual and emotional aspects of Self. Patterns of imbalance: Projection or lack of objectivity in psychic awareness; distortion of psychic perception or physical eyesight due to sexual or emotional imbalances.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quince 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Quince 7.5ml

Chaenomeles speciosa (red). Positive qualities: Loving strength and firm loving; integration of masculine initiating power and feminine nurturing qualities. Patterns of imbalance: Inability to catalyze or reconcile strength and power with affection and tenderness; dysfunctional or inconsistent parenting or leadership behavior.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Rabbitbrush 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Rabbitbrush 7.5ml

 Ericameria nauseosus (yellow). Positive qualities: Lively and alert mental field; acute sensory perception and mobile state of mind. Patterns of imbalance: Easily overwhelmed by details; unable to cope with simultaneous events, “fuzzy” consciousness that is unable to register details.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Red Clover 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Red Clover 7.5ml

 Trifolium pratense (pink-red). Positive qualities: Calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations, internally generated behavior. Patterns of imbalance: Susceptible to mass hysteria and anxiety, easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Rosemary 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Rosemary 7.5ml

Rosmarinus officinalis (violet-blue). Positive qualities: Warm physical presence and mental vitality; healthy embodiment. Patterns of imbalance: Forgetfulness or poor learning ability, loosely incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth, especially in bodily extremities; traumatic out-of-body spiritual experiences.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sage 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sage 7.5ml

Salvia officinalis (violet). Positive qualities: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective. Patterns of imbalance: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher purpose and meaning in life events.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sagebrush 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sagebrush 7.5ml

Artemisia tridentata (yellow). Positive qualities: Essential awareness that releases what is extraneous, receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change. Patterns of imbalance: Over-identification with illusory parts of oneself; cluttered and chaotic attachments; need to release dysfunctional and stifling aspects within the personality or surroundings.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saguaro 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saguaro 7.5ml

Carnegiea giganteus (white, yellowcenter). Positive qualities: Awareness of what is ancient and sacred, a sense of tradition or lineage; ability to learn from elders. Patterns of imbalance: Conflict with images of authority, sense of separateness or alienation from the past.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saint John's Wort 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Saint John's Wort 7.5ml

Hypericum perforatum (yellow). Positive qualities:  Illumined consciousness, light-filled awareness; solar strength. Patterns of imbalance:  Psychic and physical vulnerability; fearful or disturbed dreams; depression due to lack of contact with spiritual world.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scarlet Monkeyflower 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scarlet Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Mimulus cardinalis (red). Positive qualities: Direct and clear communication of deep feelings, especially anger or disappointment, integration of the emotional “shadow”. Patterns of imbalance: Fear or repression of intense feelings; inability to act upon issues of anger and powerlessness; need to be seen as “nice” rather than “real”.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scotch Broom 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Scotch Broom 7.5ml

Cytisus scoparius (yellow). Positive qualities: Positive and optimistic feelings about future events; sun-like forces of action and connection in the world. Patterns of imbalance: Disheartened and depressed; overcome with pessimism and despair, especially regarding one's personal relationship to world events.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Shasta Daisy 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Shasta Daisy 7.5ml

Leucanthemum superbum (white/yellow center). Positive qualities: Mandalic or holistic consciousness, ability to synthesize disparate ideas into a living wholeness. Patterns of imbalance: Over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as bits and pieces rather than parts of a whole; artificial or mechanized intelligence.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Shooting Star 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Shooting Star 7.5ml

Dodecatheon hendersonii (violet/pink). Positive qualities: Humanized spirituality, cosmic consciousness warmed with caring for all that is human and earthly. Patterns of imbalance: Profound feeling of alienation, especially not feeling at home on Earth, nor a part of the human family; disturbed birth trauma.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Star Thistle 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Star Thistle 7.5ml

Centaurea solstitialis (yellow). Positive qualities:  Generous and inclusive, ability to share with others due to an inner feeling of abundance. Patterns of imbalance:  Fear of lack, inability to give freely and spontaneously, miserly or hoarding tendencies.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Star Tulip 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Star Tulip 7.5ml

Calochortus tolmiei (white/purple). Positive qualities: Sensitive and receptive attunement; serene soul disposition, inner listening to others and to higher worlds, especially in dreams and meditation. Patterns of imbalance: Inability to cultivate quiet inner presence, lack of attunement or soul insight, unable to meditate or pray.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sticky Monkeyflower 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Sticky Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Mimulus aurantiacus (orange). Positive qualities: Balanced integration of human warmth and sexual intimacy; ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness in sexual relationships. Patterns of imbalance: Repressed sexual feelings, inappropriate sexual behavior divorced from human love; inability to experience human warmth in sexual experiences; deep fear of sexuality and intimacy.