Flower Essences

Property categories: Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name- Price
FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mariposa Lily 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mariposa Lily 7.5ml

Calochortus leichtlinii (white/yellow center/purple spots). Positive qualities: Maternal consciousness, warm, feminine and nurturing; mother-child bonding, positive connection to mother and similar female figures. Patterns of imbalance: Alienated from mother or from mothering role, feelings of childhood abandonment or abuse; orphan state of consciousness.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Manzanita 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Manzanita 7.5ml

Arctostaphylos viscida (white-pink). Positive qualities: Joyous embodiment, spiritual identity integrated with the physical body. Patterns of imbalance: Estranged from the earthly world; aversion or revulsion toward the body and physical world; eating and sleeping disorders.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mallow 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mallow 7.5ml

Sidalcea glauscens (pink-violet). Positive qualities: Warm and personable, open-hearted sharing, trust in social process. Patterns of imbalance: Insecure in relationships, paralysis in reaching out to others, resulting in social barriers.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mallow 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Mallow 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Madia 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Madia 7.5ml

Madia elegans (yellow/red spots). Positive qualities: Precise thinking, disciplined focus and concentration. Patterns of imbalance: Easily distracted, inability to concentrate, splintered activity that is unproductive.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Love Lies Bleeding 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Love Lies Bleeding 7.5ml

Amaranthus caudatus (red). Positive qualities: Transcendent consciousness, the ability to move beyond personal pain, suffering or mental anguish; transpersonal vision; compassionate acceptance of life karma. Patterns of imbalance: Intensification of pain and suffering due to isolation; profound melancholia or despair due to the over-personalization of one's pain.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lotus 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lotus 7.5ml

Nelumbo nucifera (pink). Positive qualities:  Expansive and inclusive spirituality, ability to synthesize diverse life experience in service to the spiritual world. Patterns of imbalance:  Spiritual pride, inflated sense of Self, out of touch with ordinary personality and humble tasks.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lavender 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lavender 7.5ml

 Lavandula officinalis (violet). Positive qualities: Spiritual sensitivity, highly refined awareness intact with stable bodily health. Patterns of imbalance: Nervous or high-wired energy states, over-stimulation of mental or spiritual forces, depletion of physical forces; insomnia.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Larkspur 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Larkspur 7.5ml

Delphinium variegatum (blue-violet). Positive qualities: Charismatic leadership, contagious enthusiasm, joyful service. Patterns of imbalance: Leadership distorted by self-aggrandizement or burdensome dutifulness; inability to motivate or inspire others.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lady's Slipper 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Lady's Slipper 7.5ml

Cypripedium parviflorum (yellow). Positive qualities: Higher purpose aligned with daily work, integration of spiritual vision with vital forces in the root and creative chakras. Patterns of imbalance: Life purpose and direction not aligned with outer activity; nervous exhaustion or sexual depletion due to inability to access life force in the lower chakras.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Iris 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Iris 7.5ml

Iris douglasiana (blue-violet). Positive qualities: Inspired artistry, soulful creativity in touch with higher realms; radiant, iridescent vision in all aspects of life. Patterns of imbalance: Lacking inspiration or creativity; feeling weighed down by the ordinariness of the world; dullness or spectator consciousness.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 7.5ml

Silene californica (red). Positive qualities: Ability to remain centered and focused, even under stress or high levels of activity; managing and coordinating diverse tasks. Patterns of imbalance: Psychic forces which are easily fragmented by too much movement; frayed and overwhelmed during multi-leveled activity.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Pink 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature’s laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 7.5ml

Castilleja miniata (red). Positive qualities:  Lively, energetic creativity, exuberant artistic activity. Patterns of imbalance:  Low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work; inability to bring creative forces into physical expression.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Indian Paintbrush 30ml

Castilleja miniata (red). Positive qualities: Lively, energetic creativity, exuberant artistic activity. Patterns of imbalance: Low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work; inability to bring creative forces into physical expression.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Hound's Tongue 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Hound's Tongue 7.5ml

Cynoglossum grande (blue/white). Positive qualities: Holistic thinking; perception of physical reality united with lively thoughts, integration of imagination and intellect. Patterns of imbalance: Materialistic world view, weighed down or dulled by a mundane or overly analytical viewpoint; can be accompanied by heaviness or torpor in the physical body.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Hibiscus 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Hibiscus 7.5ml

Hibiscus moscheutos (red). Positive qualities : Warmth and responsiveness in sexuality; integration of soul warmth and bodily passion. Patterns of imbalance: Inability to enjoy sexual experience; lack of warmth and vitality, often due to prior exploitation, false cultural expectations or abuse.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Goldenrod 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Goldenrod 7.5ml

Solidago californica (yellow). Positive qualities: Strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness. Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by group or cultural ties; inability to be true to oneself, easily susceptible to peer pressure or external social demands.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Golden Yarrow 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Golden Yarrow 7.5ml

Achillea filipendulina (yellow). Positive qualities: Remaining open to others while staying self-contained; active social involvement which preserves inner equilibrium. Patterns of imbalance: Over-sensitivity to one's social surroundings, resulting in social isolation, or a false social persona; dependence on drugs for protection or social masking.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Golden Ear Drops 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Golden Ear Drops 7.5ml

Ehrendorferia chrysantha (yellow). Positive qualities: Ability to remember and understand core experiences that define emotional history; nourishment and insight from past experiences. Patterns of imbalance: Suppressed toxic memories of childhood; feelings of pain and trauma about past events, affecting present emotional identity.