Multi Minerals - Amenas Sea Minerals

Amenas Sea Minerals Ultra Boost 250ml
Amenas Sea Minerals Ultra Boost 250ml

Price:   $30.95

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Ultra Boost 250ml This central product was prepared by the late Gerry Amena, starting off as just Paw Paw (Carica Papaya) and Sea Minerals. This would have been back in the 1980-90's and he already knew the amazing properties of the humble Paw Paw, enzymes like papain and chymopapain have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Through his amazing knowledge of many common herbs he gradually built the formulation we now call Ultra Boost.

Herbs that he chose to add to Paw Paw and put into Ultra Boost all have an history as traditional herbal medicines*. These herbs have either all or some anti viral, anti bacterial, and anti biotic value. The common Nasturtium, (tropaeolum) a member of the mustard family have been used for the liver and for conditions such as urinary tract infections and has antibiotic properties. Sheep Sorrel (rumex acetosella) is traditionally used by Indigenous Canadians to battle cancer*. In the early 20th Century a nurse Renee Caisse developed Essaic Tea which included Sheep Sorrel (Essiac is Caisse backwards), She believed that her mixture would help battle some cancers. Five Spice, also known as Spanish Thyme, Cuban Oregano, Mother of Herbs (Plectranthus Amboinicus) has been used for sore throats and coughs. Made into a tea to help with bronchitis, viral conditions and as a liver tonic. All have antioxidant properties.


Sea Minerals, Paw Paw leaves and stems, Nasturtium, Sheep Sorrel, Five Spice (Mare Aquam, Carica Papaya, Tropaeolum, Rumex Acetosella, Plectranthus Amboinicus)

Use: 5ml in liquid of choice, drunk with a meal, preferably the evening, but whatever works best for you. 

NOTE: Putting 5ml in a shot glass and filling it with water, juice or milk, shooting it down and then following with another mouthful of food or a glass of water is probably the easiest way.

  • Barcode: 9317083000010
  • Shipping Weight: 0.28kg




Amenas Sea Minerals



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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 26 March, 2020.